TeXiFy-IDEA documentation Help


Word counting tool

Tools | LaTeX | Word count

Count words in the currently open file, excluding LaTeX commands. Since 0.7.4, in case the texcount LaTeX package is available, that will be used. It also counts words in included files. Otherwise, a built-in word counting tool will be used. Also includes the text in:

  • Sections (\section, \subsection etc.)

  • csquotes (\enquote)

Table Creation Wizard

Edit | LaTeX | Insert Table...

Displays a dialog with a table creation wizard with a table, caption, and label. Click the plus to add a column, the minus to remove the column of the currently selected cell, and the pencil to edit this column. Hit Tab to edit the next cell (same row, column on the right of the current cell). Hit Tab on the last cell of a column to add a new row.

Each column has a name, and a type. The available column types are:

  • Text: This is normal text, aligned left.

  • Math: Use this to display math symbols in your table. All entries in this column will be enclosed in $..$ when generating LaTeX.

  • Numbers: As per convention, numbers are aligned on the right.

Insert table
Insert table

Since b0.7.3: the table wizard also opens when you paste an HTML table (in your browser, Excel, LibreOffice, ...) into the editor. Since b0.7.4 you can also open the wizard in the Generate menu (Alt+Insert).

Insert Graphic Wizard

Since b0.7.3

Edit | LaTeX | Insert Graphic...

Helps you generate LaTeX for inserting graphics. The wizard also opens when dropping a supported image file into a .tex file. You can also paste an image directly from your clipboard into the editor. You’ll be prompted with the wizard after you have saved the image from your clipboard using another dialog. Since b0.7.4 you can also open the wizard in the Generate menu (Alt+Insert).

demo video

Insert Dummy Text Wizard

Since b0.7.4

Edit | LaTeX | Insert Dummy Text...

Tool for inserting blindtext and lipsum commands. Also provides a raw text option that just pastes raw dummy text in the editor. There is currently one style available: TeXiFy IDEA Ipsum. This is a report and business style ipsum generator.

You can also access this action via the Generate menu by pressing Alt + Insert in a LaTeX document.

Pasting HTML into a LaTeX file

If you copy HTML to your clipboard, when pasting into a LaTeX file the html will be automatically converted to LaTeX. In particular, for tables or images the table or image wizard will show. You can also use Pandoc instead of the built-in translator, you can configure this in settings.

html to latex

Clear Auxiliary Files

Tools | LaTeX | Clear Auxiliary Files

Searches the entire project, i.e., every folder in the project module, for auxiliary files and deletes them. The files with the following extensions are defined as auxiliary files:

aux, bbl, bcf, brf, fls, idx, ind, lot, lot, nav, out, snm, toc

If auxiliary files in a certain directory do not get deleted, make sure you mark that directory as a source directory by right-clicking on it and selecting Mark Directory as | Sources Root.

Clear generated files

Since b0.6.7

Tools | LaTeX | Clear Generated Files

Be careful, you might not be able to fully undo this operation!

This will delete all generated files in src/, auxil/ and out/, including pdfs and generated _minted-* folders.

Crash reporting dialog

When there is an internal error in TeXiFy, a notification will be shown from which you can directly report the issue to our issue tracker.

Last modified: 09 February 2025