Practicum Processor 2 Learn Assembly Language 2 Preserve Prosperity language

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Base API

Program flow


Immediately exits the entire program.



Returns the number representing the state of the input. The binary representation determines which inputs are on and which inputs aren’t. If the digit in the binary representation equals 1 it is on, and if it is 0 it is not. For example if the method returns 01101011, then you know inputs 0, 1, 3, 5 and 6 are on.


Checks if the input num is on. It will be evaluated as a boolean expression. It will (quasi) return true if the input is on and false if the input is not on. The index num is determined by using the binary representation of the numbers. E.g. 0b000100000 checks for input #5.


Returns the concatenated values of the two A/D-converters in binary format. The 8 least significant bits represent the value of the first A/D-converter and the remaining 8 bits represent the value of the second A/D-converter. Hence the values are in the range 0-255 inclusive.


Returns the value of the A/D-converter specified by num. num can either be 0 or 1, where 0 is the first and 1 is the second A/D-converter. An unsigned 8-bit number is returned in binary format, hence in the range 0-255 inclusive.


Output pins

These methods all store the current state of the outputs in Global Base 1, because the output register is write-only for some weird reason. This means that all outputs must be set using these methods in order to be able to use the setSingleOutput functionality.


Sets the states of all 8 outputs. The value is a binary number where every digit (from right to left) determines if the output is on or off. Having a value of 1 means the output is on, a value of 0 means the output should be turned off.

setSingleOutput(num, val)

Changes the state of the output with index num as binary representation (see also isInputOn(num)) to on if val equals 1, or to off if val equals 0. This method ignores the states of all other outputs.

7 Segment Display

set7Segment(dig, pattern)

Shows the given pattern pattern at the place of digit dig, both as binary representation (see also isInputOn(num)). The indices of the pattern from right to left represent: center, top left, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right, top right, top center, dot. A value of 1 means the segment is turned on, a value of 0 means the segment is turned off.


Gets the 7Segment pattern for the given number. The pattern will be the number from 0-F where F equals 15. int will be modulo 16 before it gets transformed into a pattern.


Gets the 7Segment pattern for the given character. The char must be a character literal or an ASCII code for the character you want to display. Only characters in range 33-122 inclusive are supported and some of the characters (like m) do not have a fully correct corresponding pattern. In that case, an as similar looking pattern is used. All values will be substracted by 33 and will be modulus 90. That means that z wraps to !.


Hook onto the PP2’s timer system. The built in timer will always tick down and will tick once every 0,1ms (0,0001s).


Sets the new value of the timer to val.


Sets the value of the timer to the current value of the timer plus val.


Fetches the current value of the timer.


Enable and disable interrupts on the PP2. Note: only timer interrupts are implemented for now.


Installs and enables the timer interrupt, with interruptName as interrupt service routine (ISR).


Disables the timer interrupt.

© 2016 Ruben Schellekens, Sten Wessel PP2LAL2PP software published under the MIT licence.