Practicum Processor 2 Learn Assembly Language 2 Preserve Prosperity language

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PP2LAL2PP-language specification

Example documents can be found in the examples-folder on GitHub.

General code layout

Every single statement must be placed on a seperate line. Blank lines will be ignored. Multiple spaces or tabs will be interpreted as 1 space.

It is recommended for PP2LAL2PP source files to either have a .pp2 or .pp2lal2pp file extension.

Also, use camelCase.

File inclusion (include)

The entire contents of another file can be included in your code with the include keyword at the exact place you put the statement. Usage: include <fileName>.

fileName must be the name of the source file. If the source file has a .pp2 or .pp2lal2pp file extension, you do not need to specify the extension. E.g. you can include the file “constants.pp2” by using include constants. When an extensionless file, a .pp2 and a .pp2lal2pp file exists with the same name, the extensionless file will be chosen first, then the .pp2lal2pp file and finally the .pp2 file. Files from different directories must include their directory names. The name does not have to be between qoutes. E.g. the file “peanut saussage.cheese” can be includied using include peanut saussage.cheese.

Global variables (global)

Global variables are stored in the Global Base and can be used from any scope in the program. You can declare global variables only in the outermost scope using global <varName> = <value>.

varName is the name used for the variable and must be unique. There cannot be local or global variables with the same name. Variables can’t have the same name as reserved keywords.

value (optional) this is an equal sign followed by a number. This means that the global variable has an initial value of value. If no value is specified (i.e. global <varName>) the value will be initialised with 0 being an abbreviation of global <varName> = 0 effectively.

Local variables (var)

Local variables have their values stored on the stack and are only usable in their local scope. Meaning that as soon as the function of code ends where the local variable is declared, the variable cannot be used anymore. Local variables can only be declared in functions and are declared as follows: var <varName> = <value>, analogous to global variables. Variables cannot have the same name as reserved keywords, neither can they have the same name as any global variable.


Functions are a block of code that can be called from another place in the program. Functions are declared as follows:

function <functionName>(<arg0>, ... <argN>) {
    # Code to execute
    return <returnValue>

functionName this is the name of the function and must be unique and can neither be “main”, “init” or “exit”. It is also forbidden to use the names of any of the API functions as described in [Base API.md](Base API.md). Neither can you use one of the reserved keywords (see section down below).

argN (optional) is a list of arguments seperated by a comma. You can have as many arguments as you like. If you don’t want to have arguments you must leave the space between the parenthesis blank like ().

return exits the function-loop. If you add a returnValue beind return the function will return said value. However, if you don’t want to return a value you can ommit it. The return value can either be a function call, number or variable.

Using the keyword continue forces the function to quit and start over.


Interrupts are special kinds of functions that can only be called by the processor itself. Interrupts are declared just like functions, but then with an interrupt keyword instead of function. They also have no arguments. The return statement in the interrupt will also be replaced by the special interrupt return instruction when compiled. Ending with continue will re-enable the interrupt and then behaves the same as a return (it does not loop automatically!).

Main function (main())

The main function is a special function, as this is where the program will start.

If-statements (if/else)

If-statements allow you to execute certain code solely when a certain condition holds. Syntax:

if (<expression1>) {
    # Execute code when expression 1 holds.
else if (<expression2>) {
    # Execute code when expression 1 doesn't hold, but expression 2 does.
else {
    # Execute code when neither expression 1 or expression 2 holds.

expression this is a boolean expression using the relational operators mentioned down below.


Characters can be used to express ASCII characters. A character is placed between single quotes and will be converted behind the scenes to the corresponding ASCII value. Example: '7' becomes 55.

Decimal numbers can only be typed using characters in the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0} and cannot start with a 0. Examples: 3, 123, 598123,

Binary numbers are written with the characters {0,1} after the prefix 0b. Meaning that the number 10 would become 0b1010 or 0b00001010 for example as leading zeros are allowed.

Octal numbers are written with the characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} after the prefix 0. Meaning that the number 043 would become 35 in decimal.

Hexadecimal numbers are written with the characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,a,b,c,d,e,f} after the prefix 0x. Meaning that the number 334 would become 0x14E or 0x0014e as leading zeros are allowed.

Other bases can be made by using 0_BASE_DIGITS where BASE is the base from 2 to 16 and DIGITS is the actual number. So 104 would become 0_3_10212 if you want to write it in base 3.

Definitions (define)

Definitions can be used for named constants that must be declared in the outermost scope. Defined constants cannot be changed afterwards. Definitions will be compiled to equivalent EQU statements. Usage: define <name> <value>.

name is the name of the definition. It is convention to use ALL_CAPS_AND_SPACES for the name.

value this is the numerical value of name.


Comments are extra pieces of information that are functionally ignored by the compiler. However, they do appear in assembly-comments, meaning that almost any comment you write will be placed accordingly in the compiled assembly file. There is only one kind of comment, and that’s the line comment.

All comments at the beginning of the file starting with #; will be placed as header comment in the .asm file. All comments placed above a function will be placed above the beginning of that subroutine and other comments will be placed behind the corresponding assembly line after the ;.

Line comments

Line commments will make a whole line to be functionally ignored by the compiler. You start a line comment with a hash sign #.


# Ignored comment


Assignment operators


  • <variable> = <number> assigns the given number to the variable.
  • <variable> = <variable2> assigns the value of variable2 to variable.

    Variants (thank Sten…):

  • := has the exact same effect as =.
  • =: assigns the left value to the right variable. E.g. <variable2> =: <variable>.

    Arithmetic operators

    The following arithmatic operators are supported:

  • + Addition
  • - Substraction
  • * Multiplication
  • / Integer division
  • % Remainder
  • NOT IMPLEMENTED ** Power (2**3 equals 8)

    So if you want to store the product of 5 and 7 in a variable a, do this: a = 5 * 7.

    To make it even better, if you want to do arithmetics on a variable and want to store it directly back in the same variable, you can add a =-sign to make it automatically assign. Example:

    a = 7 * 3   # a becomes 21
    a -= 15     # a becomes 6
    a **= 3     # a becomes 216

    Bitwise operators

    You can do some epic shizzles with binary numbers. These operators are supported on a bitwise level:

  • | Bitwise OR
  • & Bitwise AND
  • ^ Bitwise XOR
  • ~ Bitwise NOT (see unary operators)

    Like the arithmetic operators, you can use them in conjunction with the =-sign (except ~ - e.g. ^=).

    Relational operators

    Relational operators are only used in boolean expressions (in If-statements). The following exist:

  • < Strictly lesser than
  • <= Lesser than or equal to
  • > Strictly greater than
  • >= Strictly greater than or equal to
  • == Equals
  • != Does not equal

    Example expressions

    3 < 4       # true
    5 >= 1      # true
    a = 3
    5 == a      # false
    5 != a      # true

    Unary operators

    These are placed right in front of a variable or number.

  • - marks a positive number or variable as negative, or a negative number positive. This does work on numbers and on variables and you cannot use this in an operation other than assignment (e.g. this = -that, not this = -that * 6).
  • ~ will replace all 1s by 0s and all 0s by 1s in binary representation. This does not work on numbers and you cannot use this in an operation other than assignment (e.g. this = ~that, not this = ~that + 2).
  • ! negates a boolean expression. Can only be used with the API function isInputOn(num).

    Assembly injection (inject)

    Warning: dangerous! Assembly injection lets you inject native assembly code in your program. The lines will be placed in the ‘compiled’ file exactly as you type them. This makes it really powerful, but also really dangerous to use. We do not recommend using it. It is solely meant for people who know what they are doing and want to have some more control. Hashtag Yolo.


    inject {
        LOAD  R2  0
        STOR  R2  [GB+123]
        ; More of your assembly shizzles.

    Reserved words

    The following names are reserved and cannot be used as a global variable name, function name, variable name or any other name I might have missed:

    • IOAREA
    • INPUT
    • OUTPUT
    • DSPDIG
    • DSPSEG
    • TIMER
    • ADCONV
    • main
    • init
    • exit
    • Words with prefix “if#” where # is a number.
    • Any of the names of the Base API functions.
    • Any of the PP2 instructions.
    • R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, SP, GB.
    • Any bracket.
    • When you have a interrupt named x, the names enable_x, enable_hack_x and disable_x cannot be used for a function or interrupt.
    • And probably more assembly-related stuff.

    Weird exceptions on the rules

    • All operations can only consist of two operands excluding assignment. Meaning that a = b * c is valid, whilst a = b * (c + 2) is not.
    • There can’t be any operations in function calls. E.g. main(3 + 2) is illegal.
    • Function calls may only appear as the second element in operations.
    • You can’t start your block on the same line as the opening bracket {.
    • A pair of a unary operator and a variable/number counts as a whole operation.
    © 2016 Ruben Schellekens, Sten Wessel PP2LAL2PP software published under the MIT licence.